Oil & Gas Consulting

Oil & Gas Consulting

Oil & Gas Consulting

Our organization supports the Oil and Gas industry to generate value by optimizing production and reducing uncertainties in a clean and sustainable environment.

Sustainable Oil and Gas Production & Recovery Optimization

Classical Reservoir Engineering


Reservoir Fluid



Sustainable Oil and Gas Production & Recovery Optimization

Increase production, optimize recovery, and prevent failures using the direction with the lowest possible carbon footprint.

Classical Reservoir Engineering

Produce valuable energy in optimal time using classical reservoir engineering protocols to develop realistic data-driven reservoir models.

Well and Reservoir Performance Understanding

Pressure Transient Analysis

Material Balance

Decline Curve Analysis

Rate Transient Analysis

Reservoir Benchmark

Reservoir Description

Core Analysis

Special Core Analysis

Electrical Log Analysis

Geological Description

Reservoir Benchmark

Reservoir Characterization

The geological model provides the information to predict the distribution of the reservoir fluids. We offer the expertise to characterize the reservoir and to determine optimal production.

Reservoir Fluid Characterization

Reservoir fluids are produced safely and sustainably if their thermodynamic behavior throughout the production path is known. We provide the capability to properly characterize and interpret available data.

Fluid Phase Behavior

PVT Lab Analyis

Equation of State Model


Water Analysis

Drilling Fluids

Flow Assurance

We apply the most recent flow assurance technologies to ensure that fluids produced by an oil & gas reservoir reach the final point of production in a consistent, steady, and reliable manner.
Phase Behavior of a Light Reservoir Oil associated to its production path
Source: Strategies to Monitor and Mitigate Asphaltene Issues in a Production System of a Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Subsea Development. BP America, Inc. OTC-27123-MS, 2016.

Production Engineering

Our technical team identifies formation damage or any other productivity impairment using surveillance techniques such as Pressure-transient analysis (PTA) to design the appropriate well intervention to increase well productivity.

Formation damage or any other productivity impartment is identified by applying Pressure-transient analysis (PTA) to design the appropriate well intervention to increase well productivity.

Derivative overlay including pre and post stimulation


  • Integrating Fractional Flow Into Reservoir Surveillance Improves GOM Production, Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT), 2019
  • A Success Story of Production Improvement in a Deepwater GoM Field Based on Integration of Surveillance Techniques – SPE-192843-MS – 2018

Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Achievements

Integrated Modern Energy Solutions, INMENSO LLC, is an international company with expertise in renewable energy.

Planted trees / year
+ 0
Tons of CO2eq captured / year
+ 0
Tons of Biofertilizer produced / year
+ 0
Communities Benefited
Valued Partners

Our Partners

We grow together with our valuable partners.