


The role of indigenous peoples and local communities is fundamental in the success of our projects. They have proven to be the world's most effective guardians against tropical deforestation.

At-risk Communities

Our projects aim to enhance quality of life at-risk communities; improve their economy, improve their health, improve their vocation, so that women can participate, and so young people can have a better future.

Local Associations

An effective way to communicate the implications of the net zero transition is through local business associations. The Agriculture and Environmental ministers of Colombia are managing the Biocarbono-Orinoquia project through a group of these associations called the Cattle Table of the region.

Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Achievements

Integrated Modern Energy Solutions, INMENSO LLC, is an international company with expertise in renewable energy.

Planted trees / year
+ 0
Tons of CO2eq captured / year
+ 0
Tons of Biofertilizer produced / year
+ 0
Communities Benefited
Valued Partners

Our Partners

We grow together with our valuable partners.