Our Projects


Our Projects

Integrated Modern Energy Solutions, INMENSO LLC, is an international company with expertise in renewable energy.

Carbon Sink Project

INMENSO develops carbon sink projects that integrate intensive cattle management, regenerative rational grazing system, reforestation, and the utilization of manure to produce biofertilizers and biofuels. In this way, CO2 can be re-absorbed into land-based carbon sinks like forests, plants, soil; nitrogen can be sequestered by planted legumes; the CH4 collected from waste in digesters can be used as alternative energy for rural areas, and the N2O emission reduced by replacing chemical fertilizers, like urea.

This regenerative cattle ranching activity prevents desertification of soil while enhancing its quality and making it more productive without the use of agrochemicals.

Carbon Sink Project - Vichada Colombia

Rotational Regenerative Radial Design

The conventional-extensive cattle industry manages about 0.5 head per hectare which causes more exposed soil that can create deforestation and desertification. Large-scale, commercial livestock operations can shift from extensive grazing systems to intensive production (no feedlots) based on regenerative soil systems, synthetic forest, and improved breeds. Ground rods and electric tapes divide the pasture into smaller paddocks which allows managing 10 heads per hectare.

Rational ultra-high-density grazing using mobile solar electrical tape fences in Vichada - Colombia

Our Rotational Regenerative Radial system is designed by modules that handled 1,000 heads of cattle in 100 hectares. More than 130,000 trees are planted per module to provide protein to cows. The trees include legumes able to capture nitrogen to enrich the soil.
Soil Regenerative Radial Design for Rational Grazing
One of the objectives of our regenerative grazing project is to replace chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers produced from livestock manure. In a conventional cattle business, about one ton of chemical fertilizer is needed to maintain the grass that feeds a cow per year. Savings are estimated to be about USD1,300,000 per 1,000 heads.

Vichada - Orinoquia Region - Colombia

Vichada is located on the eastern plains of Colombia known as the Llanos, to the left margin of the Orinoco River and the right margin of the Meta River and limits to the north and to the east with Venezuela.

The department is the second largest in Colombia (105,947 km², 81% the size of England) and scarcely populated (~113,000).

Climate in the department is predominantly hot and humid with an average temperature of 28°C (82°F) throughout the year with heavy rainfall in all months except January and February.

Beef cattle production constitutes the main land use in the neotropical savannas of the eastern Colombian Orinoquia.

Tropical Forestry

Our government stakeholders look for partners to develop Productive Models in any of their productive sectors, such us cocoa, marañón, livestock and commercial forestry. Our organization promotes the cultivation of exotic tropical trees and plant that can organically feed the local population and cattle.

The Agricultural Minister of Colombia, through Finagro, offers incentives to farmers that assume business models and demonstrate that forest and biodiversity are safeguarded.

Trees planted around the radial

Indigenous Reserves and Local Associations

There are 38 indigenous reserves in the Cumaribo area where our Carbon Sink project is developed. This project benefits these communities through stablished business models that not only generate income but also reduce operational expenditure (OPEX) by replacing the synthetic fertilizer for biofertilizers and by installing the mobile fence solar system.
The Cattle Ranching Association of Cumaribo – Vichada (ASOGACUVI) can easily handle a database of members that implement the project and quantify the community benefits.

Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Achievements

Integrated Modern Energy Solutions, INMENSO LLC, is an international company with expertise in renewable energy.

Planted trees / year
+ 0
Tons of CO2eq captured / year
+ 0
Tons of Biofertilizer produced / year
+ 0
Communities Benefited
Valued Partners

Our Partners

We grow together with our valuable partners.